
About BBC

About Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC)

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC)

Bangalore Bio Innovation is a research and development centre dedicated to bringing cutting-edge life science innovation from bench to bedside through collaboration with biotechs and academia.

Based in the midst of one of Bangalore Helix Biotechnology Park, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India one of the world's most vibrant life science ecosystems, the BBC provides innovators with access to the information and tools they need to take their ideas to the next level.

A Workplace Full of Opportunities

We recognise the need to embrace experimentation and strive for diversity and inclusion to help make better decisions by ensuring that multiple perspectives are considered.

Together, We're Life Changing!

BBC has been envisioned to be a state-of-the-art bioincubation centre in the country. We aspire to global standards and our role is multifarious. This includes providing them with the right infrastructure, common equipment facility, mentorship, branding, networking and funding support.

Incubation Facilities